This pic of Jake was taken last weekend when Derek and I went up to his apt. to move him out. I also took my vehicle so I could get some yard stuff from my friend Tony that was storing things for me in his garage. I had a little time with Patty and Amy and Jake and we had fun, went to lunch and then Derek and I went back to Louisville.
Tony and I have been going to an Al-Anon meeting 5 times a week since Derek has come to live here. He is doing great, lots of improvement in his attitude and he is trying very hard to get a job. He also has his van up for sale and has a couple guys interested in going in together to buy it for their trips to Nascar races. He is going to use the money to pay off his student loan and then he can get back to finishing those last few classes for his degree. This has him very encouraged as he has been in school now for almost 5 years and is sooo close to graduating. Being clean and sober is going to make that dream a reality, FINALLY!!
With Derek here we have been able to get almost the entire yard ready for spring. Derek is used to a lot of manual labor and loves to be outside so almost everyday we are out doing work in the yard. Tony is so pleased, this is something we can't seem to get caught up on on the weekends with just the two of us to do the work and now it is almost all done! Derek and Tony get along really well. Where Tony's son Warren was so angry all the time and always fighting us on everything, Derek is just the opposite, he is very easy to get along with and willing to do just about any work you bring up that needs to be done. Oh and Derek is an excellent cook!! So much for losing those pounds I gained, lol!
Tomorrow Jake and Amy come down for a little party for Jake's 3rd birthday. I'll have a pic of Jake in his BIG present from us. He is going to love it! ...................stay tuned!!
Got to get at it, you all have a great day, I am so happy to be back and able to read your posts!@
love and hugs,
It is great to have you back and so glad you are getting things going there. Sounds like a lot of work to me though! Jake looks so cute, can't wait to see the BIG present.