Friday, February 27, 2009
Not much time on the computer lately..........
Derek has been on the computer a lot looking for work and looking for meetings and programs. We have one computer until he gets the new router hooked up and the wireless connection working so I've been doing other things while he uses it. I did read all the posts yesterday but just didn't have time to respond yet.
The pic up top we took yesterday in our running around. We were waiting for the custard shop to open and Derek was showing me how to use my phone to take a picture while the phone is closed and you can see yourself in the little outside window of the phone. He is always so amazed at what I don't know, lol! Anyway the pic came out so cute of him in the background looking on! He is such a good kid, a real joy to be around when he is clean and sober. We have missed a lot of time these past many years with him being crazy with his addictions, it is so nice to just enjoy him. Makes me happy to be at home now and able to give him a place to stay and recover.
Got to get my hair colored today so you all take care, big hugs and love!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Very good day yesterday.........
Friday night Amy and Jake came down for a few hours visit. We took Derek and Amy and Jake to dinner at the Bristol, an awesome restuarant. My Mom had given us a gift certificate for a wedding gift and that was the perfect time to use it. Then we all drove to a little pizza joint some 15 miles further down the road to hear Tony's sister's boyfriends new bluegrass band play. Rick is a very good bassist and the band was awesome!!! We will have to be sure to catch them again sometime.
Yesterday we tried to take Derek to his detox program but he was too far along in the detoxing stage on his own and they wouldn't take him. But this was good because that means he is doing that part on his own. He is saying he is very committed to doing it this time so we do hope that is true. He will call them on Monday and see if he can go to the next part of the program there or if he needs to find another program. The man there said he would help him find a good place. And he can always go to a counselor with Tony's employee assistance program too.
Tony and I went to a another new Al-Anon meeting last night and that one was one we will pass on next time. There was too much going on there that was not in line with our needs. Tonight we will go back to the AA and Al-Anon that we went to last Sunday, Derek can go to his meeting and we will go to ours.
You all have a great Sunday afternoon.
Love and hugs,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Today is a better day.........
Yesterday was a range of emotions for me. Derek texted me and called me several times. I woke up very weapy about him and went to bed very encouraged. Tony and I went to another Al-Anon last night and that one was the best so far. They work the 12 steps and we worked on Anger. They passed little slips of paper to everyone with a question for us to answer and share on Anger. It was a great exercise since I have been so angry at Derek lately. Everything you see and hear is anonymous at these meetings but when you go with your husband you can discuss it all among yourselves, how awesome is that!
We have a place all lined up for Derek to go to detox and then to a half way house that has counselors and physicans and AA meetings everyday. They will take him, and he can live there, an answer to a prayer for sure. Of course he can leave that program anytime he wants to, just like any place else so it is all up to him. I am getting out of the way of God, he is free to do his work with him.
Today is my day for lunch with Tony. We are going to the little restaurant we went to for our Dare To Care day where we had a little breakfast, Wagners. They have great fish and mac and cheese on Friday's so we have to try it.
Peace and love and hugs to you all,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tony's contribution for today..........
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Doing things to keep busy
Scott came over tonight for dinner and to watch the Louisville BB game with his Dad. I made dinner, cleaned up the dishes and then headed out for a new Al-Anon meeting. It turned out to be a great group, all were very friendly and had an awesome topic. It amazes me at what God puts in front of me when I ask Him for His help and guidance. These things these folks share are the very things I need to hear. Several ladies talked to me personally and had ideas of other day time meetings that I might like in my area. This city is very friendly, not something I always found to be true of the Northern KY/Cinci area, people are more reserved and to themselves up there.
I called my sissy Deb on the way home and told her of Derek's events these past few days. She has gone to Al-Anon for years and she is always very good at listening and giving the advice I need to hear. I am doing what I can do for him and now I need to make sure to take care of myself, he will be my undoing if I don't . She is an awesome sister!
Nite all, have to get to bed. Tony is playing soccer at a 10 p.m. game tonight so I didn't get to see him.
Peace and joy!
I am feeling better today.........
I wasn't feeling well last night so Tony made us dinner and brought me a tray to the bedroom! How sweet was this? He brought his plate too and we ate in the bed. The rice and veggies were awesomely yummy, he put in some rosemary grass in the stir fry and it was really good. Made me feel better too to eat. I took a long hot soak in the tub and the nerve pain in my face and feet really settled down. All this stress of Derek and his goings ons had me really physically hurting.
I did get a lot of yard work done yesterday and that made me feel good to be outside and working at something. We had passed out just 12 sets of food at the racetrack yesterday morning, a very low turnout. Our truck was late with the food so 4 of us went over to a really neat lil Mom and Pop restuaruant that I guess has been there for years and years. We had the best visit and had coffee and a little breakfast sandwich. I learned so much from this little old couple and one of the other volunteers about Louisville and great places to eat! I could not have stood there in the cold on the cold pavement not moving or working but just waiting on the truck.
I did get my kids to meet at the Meijer up in Northern KY and we changed the phones to all new 502 prefix numbers and now Tony joined us too. And he now has text!!! He did it and now I think I have created a monster as he has texted me several times this morning from work.........naughty boy!!
You all have a great day
Big hugs all around,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Gone in a flash...........
Our Al-Anon meeting was very good. The topic was expectations and everyone shared about Valentine's Day, what happened with them, good - bad or indifferent. These meetings always amaze me. I felt very strongly that I "had to go" just to get a different perspective on the Derek issues. And I came away with so much insight into how people handle crisis and conflict and yes of course the alcoholic in their lives. It did help me to set the "problem" apart from me and detach myself a little. Tony hadn't been to Al-Anon in many years (his ex-wife is an alcoholic) so it was a real refresher for him and so great to have him there with me.
This morning when I woke up I felt very weapy and Tony said some prayers with me. He always seems to know what will help at the right time. I asked him "how on earth do people deal with kids like Derek" and he answered me, "not very well" and that was the perfect answer.
I help pass out produce at Churchill Downs today at 8:45 so I'd best get moving. Thank God I have something productive to do today and no time to sit and veg and feel sorry for myself.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lots going on.....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Derek is here!
Derek got here this am just after Catrina and family left. He has a plan for his time here and hopefully we can get him enrolled in a drug treatment facility or an outpatient facility. He has a good attitude and hopefully is really serious about getting better. We are looking on line for AA meetings, he has to attend 5 a week if he stays here with us. Those were the Dr's orders when he left the Mental Health Unit and a very good plan for him.
We have Aleck's 1st birthday party to attend in Northern KY on Sunday and a Valentines Day hike for couples tomorrow night so it will be a very busy weekend. But with Derek here we will have some help with cooking and chores anyway. One thing he is not is lazy and he is an excellent cook.
Keep us all in your prayers friends!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Almost ready for guests!!
The boys came over to print something for homework on our printer as their Mother's doesn't work so we had the opportunity to have them take the bags and boxes of his stuff to her house. Oh, I found 2 guns and ammunition in the room too, GOOD GRIEF!! I prefer guns to be locked up in a gun case, so now those are at her house too, thank heavens.
We found out yesterday that Tony's ex is taking him to court for 1/2 his retirement. This was something that was not done during the divorce and he is upset about it. He of course took a good sized hit on his 401K just like everyone else did and he doesn't feel too great about losing 1/2 of it to her. Especially as she has lots and lots of inheritance money from her father. I told him to pray about it, give the problem to God and let Him instruct him on how to proceed. We say the Scriptural Rosary daily so I am sure the answer will come to him as whether to fight it or not.
I am so excited to see lil Aleck today. Catrina called yesterday and said they won't be here until after 6. That is fine as I have my first session at the church at 10:30 to learn how to make the prayer blankets. Share emailed me a nice thank you and I have another person that I'd like to give one too but that one I'd like to make myself. There is a printed tag that you sew into the blanket on the underside with the prayer blanket logo and I need that to get started.
You all have a great day! Hopefully the winds will calm down, we had 62 mph winds yesterday and our yard is back to being a leafy mess..........
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning and more Cleaning
I am cleaning Warren's old room for Catrina and Jeremy and Aleck's visit tomorrow. This boy is really amazing, I found something quite weird under his bed. Guess he was trying to get high off of some seeds from flowers in the back yard. I found this weird home made pipe and a container of seeds.....................GOOD GRIEF!!!! I cannot tell you how happy I am that he is now living with his mother.
I bought new bedding for the bed yesterday and washed it all up. I am using the comforter from my bed at the condo since it is a full sized bed and my comforter is really cute and a huge twin, hopefully it will look ok. I want them to be comfortable in there, so maybe they will visit again!!!
You all have a great day, I'd best get back at it and stop playing on Facebook and sending Lois flowers, Lois you are making me a slacker!! ha
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Lemons Photo Challenge
How here is the challenge from Lemon:
Post the 6th picture in your 6th photo album on your blog. Write about your photo and share it with 6 new people. It is cool to see what photo you hit on and to see what everyone else posts.
Lil Doggies and Iced Cookies
Monday, February 9, 2009
I've been shrunk!
Today I will do my taxes as married filing separately as Tony can't do his until later, he has info coming that will take a while to get here. I can't stand to wait any longer, I am too anal, I have to get them done.
I have more clean up to do with all the magnolia leaves to add to the big pile. I don't want to bag them so I'll just dump them on top of the big branches. But we have another warm day here so it will be fun to be outside.
Happy day for all of you!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
New twist on my Medicare problem
Tony and I went to Glassworks in Lousiville yesterday and he bought me a really pretty glass ball for my collection for Valentines Day. We watched them hold a class and blow some neat glass kisses, very cool. Then we went to the Slugger factory and later we went rollerskating. That was so fun, I am a terrible skater but Tony is really good and it was fun watching him skate circles around me.
Today I am cleaning up the tree mess while he hunts the birds. My legs are too tired from skating to do all that walking in the hunt. He walks for a couple of hours straight and that would exhaust me too much.
Derek is thinking of coming to visit us for a few days. He wants to leave the band, that is a good sign. He knows he has to give it up to be completely free of the temptation to drink.
Friday, February 6, 2009
What a day yesterday was!
I had a very successful trip to the condo. After my apt and time with Derek I took lil Jake to shoe shop with me at a sale. We found these awesome little "Cars" shoes for him for only $10. This pic is of lil Jacob sleeping with me with his new shoes, he wouldn't give them up. He obviously got this trait from me as I LOVE NEW SHOES too, well not quite enough to sleep with!
The apt with Legal Aid was awesome!! This gal is the contact for SHIP, those are the folks that help people with Medicare problems. She is an attorney and very young and sweet, but does she ever carry a BIG stick. She is helping me with 2 different plans to rectify this problem. Hopefully it won't be long and it will be taken care of, it is great to finally have someone that is familiar with this type of thing to help me. And someone that has a functioning memory, lol!
I did Amy's taxes while I was there yesterday, she is getting a bundle back this year and that is good. She needs all the money she can get taking care of Jake and living alone now. She was happy it was all done and now she can apply for her financial aid for next year at NKU.
I had dinner with Derek while up there. He and Christy are on the outs again because he went drinking while on his medication. Goodness, it is hard to watch this child of mine do this to himself. But I have to "detach" as they say in Al-Anon, it is his life and if he chooses to do this to himself he has every right to. Much easier said than done.
I hope to get caught up reading blogs today, I've missed all the goings on of you all. We are expecting 52 degree weather today and I am sooo happy! Tony and I go hunting tomorrow with the birds, they haven't been out in weeks it has been so cold so that will be fun.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Off to Cinci today
The dinner for Tony's Mom was really fun last night, this family of 7 kids is just like an unleashed band of zoo animals when they are all together. They tell the funniest stories about their life growing up. All these kids are great friends to this day and that has to be the best testament of a great upbringing. One of my SIL asked if we would throw her son a wedding shower as Tony is his Godfather and another asked if I'd like to help with a Mom and Baby room at Catholic Charities so it looks like they will be keeping me a little busier this spring.
I will see Derek and Christy for dinner tonight as well and I am happy about that. I have to see him in person to see how he is "really" doing. Please keep praying for Derek that he can give up alcohol once and for all!!
Have a great day guys and stay warm!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fun morning passing out food
I am hoping I haven't posted this pic before, guess I should have checked. This was taken last weekend as we were driving around the park area in Louisville on the way to picking up Scott from a friend's house.
I helped pass out food to some folks today at Churchill Downs, it was really cold but lots of fun. We were out there from 8:30 to noon and only had about 50 people, they represented around 200 family members so we thought it wasn't a bad turnout for a day with such awful weather. This is the Dare to Care program and our church is spearheading an effort to get food to those working the backside of the track. We will do every other week on tues. for 2 months and then other churches will help us. It was fun and I got to meet some new people, which is something that I have to do if I am going to thrive in my new town. We gave each person a ton of food, they should be very happy tonight, lots for dinner!
We have a dinner to go to tonight for Tony's Mother's birthday. I have been making 3 kinds of cookies and a batch of peanut brittle for her for her present. She loves cookies so this will be a good gift for her. I gave her peanut brittle at Christmas in her tray of goodies but her sister ate almost every single piece!! That has irriated her so she has her very own batch coming tonight, that should bring a smile to her face! lol!
Stay warm guys and have a great evening.
Hugs, Di
Monday, February 2, 2009
Here is a pic Amy took of us right before we left for our benefit dance. We had the best time, the music was amazing, a huge band with bongo drums and regular drums, trumpets, sax and trombone and all the regular guitars and basses and 4 amazing singers. I can't say enough about how awesome they were, so fun to listen to and to dance to! We danced like crazy, had a great time and saw lots of friends. Very fun to see everyone dressed up and enjoying themselves. We stayed the night with Amy and Jake and took them to First Watch for breakfast on Sat. then headed home.
Our storm is still causing a lot of trouble around the city, lots of people still out of power. We cleaned up the big magnolia tree yesterday afternoon as it got to 57 yesterday and all the ice and snow melted off the tree. We have a huge pile of branches and it left the tree 1/2 of what it was, very sad to see this gorgeous tree in this wounded state.
I have tons of chores today and haven't been feeling completely up to par so I'd better pace myself.
Big hugs to everyone!